Create a global network that connects employers with foreign employees in all corners of the world.

Our Mission

SOGLO was born with the desire to create an authentic business model that could offer guaranteed quality to the client and generate income automatically without requiring our permanent participation.

Our Vision

Create a global network that connects employers with foreign employees in all corners of the world.




RECRUITING MEETS TRAINING - Our employees deliver results because of our highly selective recruiting followed by our arduous training.

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.” - Aristotle



QUALITY CONTROL - Options are useless without a clear understanding of what they do. We include intuitive, easy to use options.

“The best investment is in the tools of one’s own trade.” - Benjamin Franklin



OUR COMMITMENT - Your customers matter most, so we’ll do whatever necessary to make sure they stay happy.

“Be the compromise you want to see in the world.” - Mahatma Ghandi

With 50 years of combined experience in the BPO industry, we perfectly understand that there is no one size fit all solution for all companies, we can help you design and tailor the best practice for your business. Regional proximity puts us in the same time zone as you, so you would never need to wait hours to get response to any of your inquiries or requirements.
With 50 years of combined experience in the BPO industry, we perfectly understand that there is no one size fit all solution for all companies, we can help you design and tailor the best practice for your business. Regional proximity puts us in the same time zone as you, so you would never need to wait hours to get response to any of your inquiries or requirements.
With 50 years of combined experience in the BPO industry, we perfectly understand that there is no one size fit all solution for all companies, we can help you design and tailor the best practice for your business. Regional proximity puts us in the same time zone as you, so you would never need to wait hours to get response to any of your inquiries or requirements.
With 50 years of combined experience in the BPO industry, we perfectly understand that there is no one size fit all solution for all companies, we can help you design and tailor the best practice for your business. Regional proximity puts us in the same time zone as you, so you would never need to wait hours to get response to any of your inquiries or requirements.